A complete video guide on various sheet metal patterns that’ll impress your supervisors you won’t need them anymore! Step by step, you’ll see the techniques and some tricks of the trade, in clear, close up shots!

Now at $194.00 only!

What The Course Offers

Beginner Pattern

Metal sheet patterns that an insulator should know during your first two years in the insulation industry. Patterns they expect you to know and don’t need hand-holding form your supervisor. 

Intermediate Pattern

Patterns you don’t always see but are good to know and fewer insulators know. Having the know-how to do these patterns would mean higher hourly rates and more opportunity for promotion.

Now at $194.00 only!

What’s in the Course?

Industrial insulation has different patterns normally seen in the field. Knowing the most common patterns will give you more confidence as an insulator and your dexterity would display your skills.  

The patterns are divided into two categories. Beginner and intermediate, with five patterns each that you can watch and do at home or practice on the field. 

The training is in a video on demand that will be available starting October 15th at 12nn CST. 

If you have questions, I will answer them in a video format once a week until all questions are cleared.

We also have a private Facebook group of like-minded insulators who want to stay in the game and grow with it.  

Now at $194.00 only!

FB Group members

Online & Onsite Students

Insulation Sheet Metal Layouts

Beginner Patterns


Equal Tee is the same size diameter pipe going into another same size pipe in a horizontal or vertical position. It’s the most common pattern used on a daily basis in the field. Learning the tee can make it easier to also help layout other patterns with only a few more extra steps. This priority cut out can also be used in different forms to make other patterns like a 90 stove pipe, 3-part 90, and the jacket-hole that wraps around the tee when waterproof. 

Unequal Tee

Unequal tee is when a pipe connects with another pipe in a tee position and has a different size diameter. This is like an equal tee but not the same diameter which is often seen in the field and recommended to be a priority pattern to learn. 


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Stove Pipe 90/45

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Concentric Reducer

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45 lateral

An equal 45 lateral is a special cut out that is the same size diameter as the pipe coming in a 45-degree angle. (The 45 lateral is barely seen in the field.)

Head gores (curve gores)

A head gore is a special pattern that is designed to go on the top or the bottom head dome of a tank. This would be my top five priority pattern to learn as a metalman as it is often seen in the field and important to install it correctly. 

Hog Nose

Hog-nose is commonly a big diameter tank/pipe transitioning to a small diameter tank/pipe. As a Sheetmetal mechanic, I would make this my least important pattern to learn because you rarely see it. (Special cut-out)

90 Elbow

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This Course is for you if…

    • You are a field-ready personnel who want to improve your insulation skills
    • You want to acquire advanced information on industrial insulation
    • Can learn independently through videos
    • Take a challenge seriously
    • Committed to work on the patterns and brag for them once done! 


Your Slot!

Let’s Learn, Grow Together! 

At Quadrant Shop, part of mission is to create a community of Insulators, composed of veterans, beginners and contractors to help each other in times of needs.

We believe that by promoting the value of family, work safety, and growth mindset, we will be able to start a movement that may soon become an industry culture. Something built on common bond, cooperation, and collaboration. 

Recorded Video on Demand

Upon enrollment, you’ll have immediate access to the video lessons and may be able to access them at your best time! 

Learn at your own pace

Others learn fast while others don’t. We have to admit, sometimes, we learn slower or faster than the rest. In this course, you can learn each pattern your own pace apply them on the field before enrolling for another one.

Continuous Learning

Because of Oliver’s passion for the industrial insulatin industry, he’s planned a whole program to help equip you climbed up the ladder of your chosen career. Whether to get promoted as a supervisor or build your own contracting business, he has it all laid out for you and all you need to do is keep on learning here and apply them on field. 

Private Facebook Support Group

If you enrol in this course, we are going to create a private Facebook community where we can ask for advice, share a win, or even sub-contract a project!

Who knows? Our collaboration today might create something new to the inustrial insulation industry!

Still not sold with the private Facebook community? We also have field supervisors, retired veterans and contractor ready to help you in the group at any time! Sounds more fun, right? 

English and Spanish Lessons

English or Spanish? No need to choose. Oliver is gifted to speak two languages so the lessons will be delivered in both. Why choose when you can have both, right?

More about Oliver Mendieta

Oliver is a passionate Industrial Insulator and Energy Appraiser who aims to help fellow insulators plan their career path by speeding up their learning curve to hit their industry goals earlier than usual.

His genuine desire to share his knowledge and skills, his self-starter attitude,  and love for teaching gained him friends and industry authority over the years.

The projects he and his team completed in different job sites inspired him to create an extensive training program to equip and upskill insulators while building an online community where they can help each other at the same time.

Learn more about Oliver here.


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Louisiana, USA

+1 504-756-2496
